Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Asylum, Migration
and Integration Fund
The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) provides support to projects that are concerned with the issues of asylum, migration and integration in the EU. This fund aims to contribute to a sound, realistic and fair European migration policy and assists in the early integration of non-EU citizens, especially those with a refugee background. The primary focus lies on the early social and economic integration of non-EU citizens and on measures to prepare them for active participation and acceptance in the host society. Measures for integration efforts in the medium and long term are not funded through the AMIF, but through the ESF+.
A major part of the fund is implemented directly by the member states in the context of national programmes, so that the specific needs of the individual EU countries can be taken into account. It is precisely at this point that funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors open up, since civil society groups are supported within the framework of the national programmes to develop projects related to the issues of asylum, migration and integration. The specific eligibility criteria vary in accordance with how the national programmes are designed by the respective member states.
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The AMIF pursues four specific objectives:
- The strengthening and further development of the common European Asylum System
- Supporting legal migration and promoting the integration of non-EU citizens in an effective manner
- Combating irregular migration and promoting effective return and readmission by third countries
- Promoting solidarity through strengthening the cooperation as well as the sharing of responsibilities between the EU member states
For those working in the cultural and creative sectors, the AMIF's second area of focus, 'Supporting legal migration and promoting the integration of non-EU citizens in an effective manner' especially presents opportunities to implement cultural projects. The integration of non-EU citizens into the host society can be supported by creative and cultural methods, which can also contribute to intercultural understanding and promote interaction and exchange between people from different social backgrounds. Cultural projects in this area can at the same time contribute to raising awareness of the specific living environments and of the challenges people with a refugee background face and reinforce solidarity in society. Additionally, there is also the possibility of developing new learning formats and launching new strategies for intercultural training programmes and courses within the framework of this thematic focus.
The following project ideas are examples of projects that received funding from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund in the previous generation of programmes:
- Young people engage with their migration experiences by means of an educational theatre project, and they learn how to present these experiences in an artistic way. The jointly developed play invites the audience to engage with the experiences in a moderated discussion afterwards and to become more open and receptive to the topic of integration.
- Local libraries come forward with offers that support immigrants in their integration into the local society and especially in acquiring the language of the host society. This includes, for example, adding multilingual books to the collections maintained by the libraries, employing reading mentors and organising intercultural events.
- Legal entities under private law and partnerships
- Associations
- (non-profit) limited liability companies
- cooperatives
- Legal entities under public law
- territorial authorities: e.g. federal government, federal states, districts and municipalities
- organisational associations: e.g. municipal associations
- person-based and real entities: e.g. chambers of industry and commerce, chambers of handicrafts and universities
- National and international organisations
- Cooperation partnerships
You can find further funding conditions here.
Funded projects
Funded projects
Here you can find cultural projects funded by different EU programmes.
Open calls
Currently there are no open calls for proposal.