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Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values​

Citizens, Equality,
Rights and Values

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) is a merger of the former Europe for Citizens (EFC) and Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) funding programmes. The objective of CERV is to contribute to the further development of a society that is based on rights, democracy and inclusiveness. A focal point of the programme is to protect European values as well as particularly vulnerable groups. At the same time, CERV also seeks to strengthen European citizens’ democratic engage-ment, intercultural exchange and historical awareness. When it comes to strengthening European values and remembering the history of Europe, the cultural sector plays a crucial role. Not only can cultural activities strengthen the sense of European belonging, but they can also allow citizens to gain a new perspective on their common European background.


Here you can find the contact points for CERV in Germany and Austria. Use the filter to find your local contact!


Funded projects

Visible Past

Here you can find the cultural project “Visible Past”, which was funded by CERV.


Here you can find the cultural project “Zukunftslab: Sister Cities for Gender Equality”, which was funded by CERV.

Hier gelangst du zu dem Kulturprojekt „V“, das durch Erasmus+ gefördert wurde.

Open calls

Currently there are no open calls for proposal.

As soon as there will be new calls relevant for culture you will find them here.

Further information
