Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values
Citizens, Equality,
Rights and Values
Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) is a merger of the former Europe for Citizens (EFC) and Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) funding programmes. The objective of CERV is to contribute to the further development of a society that is based on rights, democracy and inclusiveness. A focal point of the programme is to protect European values as well as particularly vulnerable groups. At the same time, CERV also seeks to strengthen European citizens’ democratic engage-ment, intercultural exchange and historical awareness. When it comes to strengthening European values and remembering the history of Europe, the cultural sector plays a crucial role. Not only can cultural activities strengthen the sense of European belonging, but they can also allow citizens to gain a new perspective on their common European background.
Here you can find the contact points for CERV in Germany and Austria. Use the filter to find your local contact!
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Under the CERV programme, cultural projects can be funded that creatively raise awareness about challenges in society, such as discrimination, racism and social inequality, and that help to bring these issues to the attention of European citizens. Cultural projects with these thematic focal points are funded under the Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand and include such activities as training, projects for raising awareness or the exchange of best practices in the context of mutual learning. In the cultural sector, this could for instance look like the following: In the context of crea-tive workshops, young people, with the assistance of dance and theatre teachers, produce music videos and songs that contribute to the prevention of gender-based violence and promote the self-empowerment of young people.
In the 'Citizen’s Engagement and Participation' strand, funding is also available for activities that unite Europeans from different cultures, promote the exchange of cultural knowledge and raise awareness of Europe's cultural heritage and history. Such activities particularly include meetings of citizens, town-twinning activities or civil society projects. Looking at the cultural and creative sector, a project could look like this, for example: As part of a town-twinning project, a radio project is developed together with young people to address important questions about the future of the EU. Thoughts on these issues are then further explored in theatre workshops.
Focal points in the Equality, Rights and Gender Equality strand
- Fight against intolerance, racism, xenophobia, discrimination
- Promoting diversity management and inclusion in the workplace in both the public and private sectors
- Combating discrimination against LGBTIQ persons and promoting LGBTIQ equality
- Promoting gender equality
- Protecting and promoting data privacy
Focal points in the Citizen’s Engagement and Participation strand
- Promoting historical awareness (especially concerning turning points in recent European history)
- Raising awareness of common cultural heritage and European values
- Promotion of civic participation of children
- Promoting the participation of citizens and representative associations in political and democratic life
- Exchanges between citizens of different countries, town twinning and town networks
Ideas from the cultural sector that have received funding through the former EFC and REC in the last programme period include the following:
- Promoting young people’s awareness concerning the history of the German-Polish border region by means of workshops for dance, theatre, singer-song-writers or creative writing.
- An artistic reworking of the fall of the Berlin Wall within the framework of a meeting of citi-zens between German and French regions.
- Preventing online hate speech towards refugees and racialised people by developing crea-tive counter-narratives. The focus was particularly on raising awareness among media pro-ducers, teachers, students, pupils and young people.
In the 'Equality, Rights and Gender Equality' strand
- Public local / regional state agencies
- Civil society organisations
- Equality bodies
- Non-profit organisations (NPOs)
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
- Women’s rights organisations
In the 'Citizen’s Engagement and Participation' strand
- Public local / regional state agencies
- Civil society organisations
- Non-profit organisations (NPOs)
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
- Survivors’ associations
- Cultural, youth, educational and research institutions
- Cultural, youth, educational and research institutions
As a rule, projects can only be implemented in cooperation with European partners. Projects can only be implemented without partner organisations in exceptional cases. This is announced in the corresponding calls for applications.
You can find further information on eligible countries here.
Funded projects
Visible Past
Here you can find the cultural project “Visible Past”, which was funded by CERV.
Here you can find the cultural project “Zukunftslab: Sister Cities for Gender Equality”, which was funded by CERV.
Hier gelangst du zu dem Kulturprojekt „V“, das durch Erasmus+ gefördert wurde.
Open calls
Currently there are no open calls for proposal.