Erasmus+ is the European Union’s education programme and addresses a broad target group from the fields of education, adult education, vocational education and higher education, youth work and the sports sector. Erasmus+ draws on the fundamental idea of lifelong learning. Informal and non-formal education projects that open up inclusive access to education are particularly supported. The programme supports individual learning mobility on the one hand and partnership-based cooperation between organisations on the other. Within this framework, there are diverse opportunities to implement cultural and creative projects with an educational focus. The cultural and creative sector is deemed a key actor in Europe that can make an important contribution to an inclusive and solidary Europe and participate in Europe’s sustainable development through implementing projects in the field of cultural education.
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Projects that are implemented under the Erasmus+ framework should empower people to deal with and overcome social challenges. Therefore, the following thematic priorities are the focus of the new programme generation and should be taken up by the individual projects:
- Inclusion and diversity
- Digital transformation
- Involvement in democratic life
- Sustainability, environment and climate objectives
In principle, Erasmus+ addresses every age group and different educational institutions, but the fields of adult and vocational education and the Erasmus+ Youth section are particularly suitable for cultural projects. These can be supported in 'Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals' and in 'Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions'.
Learning mobility
Individuals can participate in international exchange opportunities in the mobility sector, either alone or as part of a group. In this framework, projects of the cultural and creative sector can promote intercultural exchange in Europe and thereby open up spaces in which issues such as climate, diversity, or young people’s participation can be handled. This could be designed like this, for example: In the framework of a theatre project, youth work professionals from several European countries are brought together. They use theatre to develop initiatives in education through which young people can discuss the focal point of human rights.
Cooperation among organisations and institutions
In a partnership cooperation, different organisations of the cultural and creative sectors, such as museums, theatres or libraries, can enter into long-term partnerships and develop new inclusive learning methods together with other players or exchange thoughts about good practices. Partnership cooperation in the cultural sector could look like this, for example: Various European museums are cooperating and jointly developing inclusive training modules for museum guides, sensitising them to cater to people with special needs in museum tours and to prepare knowledge in an inclusive way. Thereby, the focus lies on museums as places of lifelong learning and inclusive education.
In the last programme generation of Erasmus+, the following project ideas received funding, for example:
- A European youth theatre movement from the field of peace work processes its key topic, the strengthening of human rights and civil society, through play and makes it accessible to the public.
- Exchange of good practices to enable professional dancers to strengthen their professional skills and social competencies and thereby make these specific competencies accessible to other professional sectors through training.
- A network of different cultural organisations that develops training modules for players of Cultural Leaderships with the focal points on environmental compatibility, gender and constellation of power and inclusion.
- Associations
- Educational institutions and facilities
- Associations
- Cities / municipalities
- Non-profit limited liability company
In 'Key Action 1: Learning mobility for individuals', further European partner organisations are required for the implementation of the projects.
In 'Key Action 2: Cooperation of organisations and institutions', cooperation partnerships consisting of at least three institutions from three countries participating in the programme must be formed. The smaller partnerships offer simplified access, in which only at least two institutions must be involved.
You can find further information on eligible countries here.
Funded projects
Here you can find the cultural project “FULCRUM”, which was funded by Erasmus+.
Digital Drama Workshop
Here you can find the cultural project “Digital Drama Workshop”, which was funded by Erasmus+.
Open calls
Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals
Austria: Youth
Deadline: 04.10.2022 (12:00 PM CET)
Key Action 2: Cooperation of organisations and institutions
Small-scale partnerships
Germany: Youth, adult educationand VET
Deadline: 04.10.2022 (12:00 PM CET)
Key Action 2: Cooperation of organisations and institutions
Small-scale partnerships
Austria: Youth, adult educationand VET
Deadline: 04.10.2022 (12:00 PM CET)