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European Social Fund+

European Social Fund+

The European Social Fund+ (ESF+) is devoted to social questions and challenges inside the EU, with special focus on the topics labour, education and inclusion. The purpose of the ESF+ is to create and guarantee fair and equal work and living conditions as well as social protection and inclusion of all citizens. For this reason, the ESF+ in particular provides funding for projects where the public and private sector work in cooperation with the civil society.

As the social problems vary from region to region and therefore require diverse approaches, the ESF+ adjusts its objectives to local conditions. Besides the varying priorities, it also implies that a major part of the support is administrated at national level and no European partner is needed for such support.

Both in Germany and Austria ESF+ programmes are in place at the national and the federal level which results in individual programme priorities in each federal state (Bundesländer). The federal programmes are usually more attractive for the cultural sector as they provide different funding opportunities for cultural projects. In general, cultural projects with a strong social orientation or a focus on cultural education could benefit from ESF+.


Here you can find the contact points for the ESC+ in Germany and Austria. Use the filter to find your local contact!


Funded projects

Further projects

Here you can find more cultural projects funded by different EU programmes.

Open calls

Currently there are no open calls for proposal.

As soon as there will be new calls relevant for culture you will find them here.

Further information