Global Europe
Global Europe
Cultural cooperation is also playing an ever-increasing role in the EU's foreign policy, at the latest since the new EU Agenda for Culture (2018). This is also mirrored in the new funding instrument, Global Europe - Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument, which will combine various former EU external assistance funding programmes and strengthen cooperation with non-European countries and organisations from 2021 onwards.
Central to this are measures that contribute to sustainable development, peace, economic and social stability as well as to reducing poverty all over the world. Alongside key regional themes, projects related to human rights, democracy, civil society and peace, among others, are funded. Within this context, the programme also supports cooperation with the cultural and creative sectors in order to locally foster intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and social cohesion in non-European countries.
At the moment no contact points are installed for Global Europe.
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Project funding through Global Europe is based on both geographical and thematic principles. As such, the programme is divided into two major funding areas, both of which promote international cultural projects. However, the 'theme-related area' presents more explicit points of contact for cultural projects. Funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sector are particularly in place in connection with the thematic priority of 'Human Rights and Democracy, Civil Society and Peace, and Global Challenges'. Additionally, the programme also outlines specific objectives for cultural projects to which they are expected to contribute in the target countries:
- Strengthening cultural diversity and intercultural and interreligious dialogue
- Safeguarding and preserving cultural heritage, especially endangered cultural heritage from isolated or marginalised communities and indigenous groups
- Returning cultural property to the respective countries of origin
- Creating opportunities for exchange and cooperation for those working in the arts and culture and recognising their professional profiles and activities
- Supporting and further developing local handicrafts in order to preserve and pass on such traditions and cultural heritage
- Recognising and promoting the role of culture in sustainable development
- Supporting creative industries and sustainable tourism in urban as well as rural areas
- Contributing to non-violent conflict resolution by means of formal and informal educational work
Support can also be given to cultural projects in the context of the 'geographical area'. This is divided into the following regions:
- EU neighbourhood area
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Asia and the Pacific region
- The Americas and the Caribbean
- Overseas territories
This funding area is primarily concerned with deepening dialogue and cooperation with countries from the respective regions. The opportunities that are available there for the cultural and creative sector largely depend on the respective regional focal points.
Cultural projects with non-European partner organisations have in the past been funded by various EU external aid programmes. Among others, the following cultural activities have been supported:
- Creation and implementation of percussion, dance, theatre and other creative activities that encourage vulnerable children in Tanzania to achieve their potential and to play a part in society (cooperation between Germany, Cambodia and Tanzania)
- Protection of the natural and cultural heritage along with the development of sustainable tourism in a national park in Mongolia
- Development of sustainable strategies for the environment, culture and economy with the aim of enhancing cultural education and sustainable tourism at UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Laos
- Critical examination of the way World War II is perceived and portrayed in textbooks from various European countries (Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and the Czech Republic) as part of a touring exhibition
Eligible applicants are public and private persons as well as civil society and international organisations that are either from a participating country or based in that country. The list of participating countries may vary depending on the thematic and geographical area and is mainly dependent on the individual calls for proposals. To what extent European or international partner organisations are required for an application also varies from one call for proposals to the next.
Funded projects
Luang Prabang
Here you can find more information on the project "Luang Prabang - Handle with care" which was funded by a predecessor programme of Global Europe.
Further projects
Here you can find more cultural projects funded by different EU programmes.
Open calls
Currently there are no open calls for proposal.
As soon as there will be new calls relevant for culture you will find them here.