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The various regions of Europe - be they urban, rural or coastal - have developed in different ways and therefore face different challenges. As such, an important goal of the EU is to even out the economic and social differences between the regions and countries and to ensure a good quality of life, solidarity and social cohesion in equal measure.

A central instrument for this aim is the Interreg funding programme. Not only does this programme promote cooperation within and between EU member states and their regions, but it also fosters cooperation with non-EU countries and overseas territories. The particular focus here falls on regional cooperation in various border areas, which are divided into three programme strands that pursue different objectives. In line with this, there are numerous funding opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors, which can range from cultural exchange and heritage conservation to urban development and tourism.


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Being part of the so-called European cohesion policy, Interreg (just like ERDF) is oriented towards the general objective of the EU in the field of regional development. This encompasses economic and social topics as well as ecological and cultural issues. Given that Interreg is divided into three strands, the respective thematic focuses and the formal eligibility criteria of the associated sub-programmes differ. This is because these are tailored to the respective regions, border areas and their needs. Aside from this, Interreg funding is intended to contribute to the following overarching priorities:

  • a more intelligent Europe through innovation, digitalisation and economic transformation
  • a more eco-friendly Europe through renewable energy and new climate change strategies
  • a more connected Europe through strategic digital structures and transport networks
  • a more social Europe through equal access to employment, education, health care as well as social inclusion
  • a Europe that moves closer to its citizens through sustainable urban development and local development strategies

In terms of the cultural and creative sector, Interreg offers different funding opportunities, which can vary depending on the regional focus. For one thing, Interreg often supports the development and expansion of cultural infrastructures, e.g. in relation to cultural routes, cultural heritage sites, museums and cultural and tourism centres. For another, funding through Interreg is also suited for establishing cross-border networks for cultural exchange and artistic cooperation, in which, for example, new ideas for urban development or audience development can be developed and implemented.

Wichtig ist an dieser Stelle, dass die Verhandlungen über Interreg für die neue Förderperiode 2021-2027 noch laufen und das neue Programm voraussichtlich erst 2022 starten wird. In Anlehnung daran werden die verschiedenen regionalen Ausrichtungen und Schwerpunkte festgelegt, die wegweisend für die Förderkriterien im Allgemeinen sowie für den Kultur- und Kreativsektor sind. Es steht jedoch schon fest, dass das Programm insgesamt auf drei Ausrichtungen basiert, die unter „Interreg Ausrichtungen“ näher erklärt werden.

Interreg A: cross-border cooperation

At the core of Interreg A lies cross-border cooperation between bordering regions and neighbouring territories along the EU’s internal and external borders, as well as certain coastal areas. The aim of Interreg A is thus to provide funding for projects that address challenges on both sides of a European border. For instance, a literature exchange along the Bavarian-Upper Austrian border can be launched, making regional literary diversity visible and providing impetus for literary exchange in the region.

The border areas that are funded by Interreg A are clearly defined and are referred to as cross-border sub-programmes. The sub-programmes are managed in a decentralised manner and consequently follow different eligibility criteria and priorities. In Germany exist 13 Interreg A programmeswhile there are in total 7 programmes in Austria.

Interreg B: transnational cooperation

Die transnationale Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen von Interreg B konzentriert sich auf die Kooperation von nationalen, regionalen und lokalen Akteur:innen im gesamten Gebiet der EU sowie in angrenzenden Regionen. Im Gegensatz zu Interreg A geht es also nicht um Gebiete, die notwendigerweise eine Grenze teilen, sondern um größere geographische Räume, wie z.B. der Alpenraum oder der Nordseeraum. Für ein Projekt in Interreg B können sich z.B. verschiedene industriegeprägte Regionen innerhalb eines Programmraumes zusammentun, um eine lebendige Industriekultur und attraktive Orte für Arbeit, Leben und Erholung zu schaffen. Europaweit gibt es insgesamt 14 Unterprogramme von Interreg B. Dabei ist Deutschland an 6 sub-programmes and Austria participates in 3 sub-programmes of Interreg B.

Interreg C: interregional cooperation

This strand aims towards networking as well as the exchange of knowledge and experiences in order to develop policies and measures for local citizens and communities while also improving the way they live together. Through the cooperation of regions and municipalities from neighbouring countries and territories within the EU, Interreg C aims to foster new ideas, opportunities and joint solutions in order to better address the needs of local residents and address current challenges such as climate change and social inequalities by means of regional policies. There are two programmes for the implementation of Interreg C that are also open to organisations from the cultural and creative sectors. In many cases, projects funded by Interreg C focus on how arts and culture can help shape a more inclusive and sustainable living space in cities and regions. Funding is provided, for example, to various European city networks that explore how European metropolises can make culture (cultural policy) more accessible or how small cities can preserve their cultural heritage and integrate it into sustainable urban development. The following sub-programmes under Interreg C are particularly relevant for cultural projects:

  • Interreg Europe: aimed in particular at local and regional administrations
  • URBACT IV: is aimed in particular at cities and the networking of actors from urban society

In the past, the following cultural projects could be implemented thanks to the support of Interreg:

  • Researching new design ideas that enable sustainable consumption and that are based on sustainability, digitalisation and the use of new materials
  • Establishing a city network that collaborates with local people to develop sustainable urban development strategies and bring vacant buildings back to life
  • Making it possible for small and medium-sized museums to be designed in a barrier-free way and to be accessible to all, and improving the way they can be experienced by as many different target groups as possible
  • Connecting historical sites along the Danube river to form a cultural route aimed at making hidden and (in)tangible cultural heritage accessible, raising historical awareness and developing new tourist offers
  • Coalition of arts and cultural institutions working to develop and test new strategies to attract more cross-border visitors

Interreg funding is available to a wide range of organisational forms. This may vary, however, depending on the orientation and the respective sub-programme. Among others, the programme is generally aimed at:

  • Public institutions
  • National, regional and local entities
  • Research and educational institutions
  • Associations, societies and non-governmental organisations
  • Private institutions and enterprises

In order to be eligible for Interreg funding, it is necessary to cooperate with European partners from the respective border region. The number of projects and other eligibility criteria depend on the orientation and the respective sub-programme.

Funded projects

Funded projects

Here you can find cultural projects funded by different EU programmes.

Open calls

Currently there are no open calls for proposal.

Further information
