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Green Europe Experience

Green Europe Experience



EU funding amount

197 100 Euro


ASSO We love Green (Frankreich)

European partners

in total 4

Green Europe Experience

Central to the three-year cooperation project “Green Europe Experience” (GEX) is the design and management of a sustainable European music festival. The project is intended as a living laboratory to develop, test and assess sustainable models to produce and evaluate music festivals. The cooperative work of diverse festivals has enabled the testing of such strategies under various local conditions and has allowed for the identification of best practices. The results of such exchanges could in turn be shared with other cultural organisations. Thereby, the project also supports the exchange of experiences and further training of the participating cultural and creative practitioners, providing them with techniques to initiate long-term changes. The aim is to create a catalogue of analogue and digital ideas and practices that can be used to implement circular economy models for music festivals and transfer them to other cultural sectors.

Das 7R-Modell der Green Europe Experience. Ein Kreis-Modell mit den sieben Punkten Rethink, Reduce, Repair, Reuse, Refurbish, Recycle und Recover als Punkte auf dem Kreis dargestellt.
© Green Europe Experience

This project was funded by Creative Europe.

Ein Foto des durch Green Europe Experience geförderten We Love Green Festival 2019. Viele junge Menschen sind auf einem bunten Festivalgelände in der Natur.
© Romain Bassenne - We Love Green 2019